Perfume is one of the most essential commodities of modern era living and people never forget to use it before getting out for a party or any public gathering. It is may be because of the desire of carrying the natural fragrances everywhere and every time or may be some deep obsessions over any particular fragrance. There is hardly a person found who does not have affection on flowers and it is mostly because of their fragrances than the distinct colors. There is no crime in carrying them wherever you go. The usages of perfume are dated back to around thousand years ago both in the Eastern and Western worlds and they use to process them directly from the flower plants.

Rose is considered as the most popular and valuable element for fine perfumes as it is described as the ‘queen of all flowers’ by the people. Rose perfumes are highest praised among the Greeks and the Romans. The two most popular Rose species used in perfume processing are Rosa Centifolia (found in Southern France) and Rosa Damascena (found in Arab Nations).
The Lily is a lively bulb that grows both in fall and spring. The cultivation of lily is easier than the other blooms mostly between the months of June and August. Lilies are long-lasting as cut flowers and often used in a vase for homely decoration along with mild and smooth fragrances. The perfumes made of Lily bulbs offer varieties of delightful fragrances.
Jasmine is also famous for its pure and unique essence. Jasmine flowers are usually harvested when the fragrance of it reaches at the peak mostly right before the dawn. The flowers are processed immediately after the fresh pick from the gardens. Jasmines need special care for preserving the fragrances from getting faded.
Lavender flower is considered as the most versatile flower in the world as the utility of it ranges from beautification, culinary and medication purposes to beautifully fragranced perfumes. The smiling neuty of Lavenders attract everyone in this planet.
Chamomile flowers are highly famous for their fragrance though they have earned huge amount of popularity in the western markets of relaxing herb. The flavor of Chamomile tea is also very attractive for the tea lovers. The Chamomile flower perfumes are good for mental health of any person.
Perfumes processed from Magnolia flowers attract everyone just like the bees and the beetles. It is considered as one of the most ancient flowers for the mankind. Magnolia flowers are mostly found in West Indies, Central America and North America.
Plumerias are heavenly fragranced Hawaiian flowers found in multiple colors like white, pink, yellow, red and different other shades. This flower has long-lasting fragrance.
Orange Flower
Orange flowers are traditional and used bridal decorations around the world. Besides producing the ‘Neroli’ oil, this flower is highly popular for the perfume produced from it.
This is a flower which has been processed for making perfumes for ages. The varied fragrances of Violates are used in making different perfumes like Victoria Violet and Parma Violet. This flowers are also used in producing oils and medicines.